reqtext2(150x150)Today we have switched from the Akeeba Release System to eDocMan for our files to be downloaded from the site.

Because the Akeeba Release System is a internal extension for a while now we had to switch so we can deliver good quality download links to our users. Not all the features from the Akeeba Release System are yet available in eDocman so somethings are yet missing. We are planning to have more features included but for now we'll have to do with what we've got.

The individual download ID's to integrate our payed components are no longer available nor functional. We will try to bring back this functionality very soon. Another thing that just isn't possible at the moment is using the update feature from within Joomla! to update our extensions.
We'll do the best we can to release new versions of our extensions to implement this feature back in a short period of time.

Our apologies to all our loyal user for this inconvience, we had no other choice in planning this change to our website. Due to possibile security issues we had to swich on a short notice. We promise we'll make it up to all our subscribed users with an nice present.