SelectList input field

You can create a (required) select/dropdown list using this option. It looks similar to the default Custom Field list-type from VirtueMart, but there is a difference: you cannot select each option separately for each product using the same Custom Field item(s). If you have no clue what this means, that’s okay you probably won’t use this feature at the moment.

man select

  1. You can set the selectlist to be required (or not) for this product. If you leave this option set to ‘no’ your customers can always order a product even if they leave the input field empty.

  2. This is the hint which is displayed when the user needs to fill in the custom field. It is multi-lingual aware and by default it shows “Required Field”.

  3. Enter the different choices for the selectlist. Separate each choice with enter (new line).

  4. Also new is the ability to add custom prices for each selection. Enter a value for each selection entered in the list options field on a new line. Only enter the price value without any money currency. Separate each value with enter (new line).
    ! When no value (or not enough for every selection) 0.0 will be assumed by the plugin !

  5. ! This value is important when you’ve set the required field to yes !
    Enter the default selected value to check if the selection is different from this value. If the customer doesn’t select another value the ‘Required Field’ message will be shown to the customer. You can only set one default value to check.

AlertThe options 3, 4 and 5 will be used prior to the global settings of these fields you've setup in the "custom fields" area of the VirtueMart control panel. When you leave these fields emtpy the plugin falls back to the global settings of the "custom field".